ISBN: 978-1524720926
Publisher/date: Knopf Books for Young Readers (May 5, 2020)
Genre: YA Sci-fi
Series: The Aurora Cycle
Rating: MG
“well," says the Gearhead. "I have good news, kids."
"heyyyy, that's a switch," Tyler replies.
"I'm kidding. I actually have bad news and other bad news.”
We continue on our epic journey through the galaxy - to save it - whilst everyone chases us thinking we are trying to destroy the galaxy. Yep, that about sums up the plot here.
Here's what I love about Amie and Jay's sci-fi books. They are so imaginative with the aliens. And when they aren't, there's a reason for it. They turn plot holes into rabbit holes that tie into other points of the story later. Webs upon webs. I love a good surprise. And, tbh, I love a bad one too. To hell with predictable YA, give me twists and turns!
And they delivered!
Only problem - I have no idea where we're going now. This book ended on a massive cliffhanger - but first it ended. Weird, right?
5 stars - in YA sci-fi this is as good as it gets and I will 100% be preordering the next book.
Where is the rest of my review? I just can't tell you much folks. I highly recommend this book, but don't go searching for spoilers, because it's SO GOOD without them. And I don't want to spoil a single surprise!