ISBN: 978-0316434652
Book 3 of the Dr. Greta Helsing Series*
Publisher/date: Orbit (September 24, 2019)
Genre: Vampire Fantasy
You never admit it when I’m right. What am I right about, anyway? Of the many things that come to mind just at the moment.
Dr. Greta Helsing has been called in by a friend to fill in for him at his dayspa. His Mummy dayspa.
When she gets there, she discovers a mystery. The mummies are having strange weakness spells, causing them to collapse. While trying to solve this mystery, her good friend Sir Ruthven falls ill with a mysterious malady that almost kills him. All of us readers know what happens next - the mysteries are inexorably connected. To Armageddon.
If I haven't said it enough times before, I love this series. Vivian Shaw takes all of the overly used silly tropes about Vampires, Werewolves, Mummies, even Demons and Angels and weaves them into a highly entertaining story. With a whole host of characters with their own unique personalities, each of which are very discernible from the next, and each of which I adore as if they are my own friends. This is a rare skill folks, there are few books which make me feel such a keen sense of immersion into the story.
I listened to each of these via Audible, and the narrator is excellent. She has a perfect, eloquent and beautiful London accent, and is able to voice each of the characters uniquely and correctly. Each voice suits the personality of the character. Side note - my 2 year old adored listening to her voice. Parent alert - there is a bit of profanity, so if you have littles with ears sensitive to that sort of thing, I might give this a PG-13 rating.
These are some of my favorite "fun reads." Not the kind of book I want to throw, but the kind of book that I follow the author and buy the next one the day it comes out! These are two different types of books to rate, but I enjoy them both equally. So this one is a...
5/5, I will continue to buy each one the day it comes out! If there are more. Vivian, how on earth will you top BLOODY ARMAGEDDON??!!!